Make sure all newly planted trees and shrubs, evergreens, rhododendrons, and Carol Mackie Daphnes are well watered throughout the root system before deep frost.
- Wrap chicken wire/hardware cloth around base of all tender trees and shrubs to avoid rabbit girdling including, but not limited to: Serviceberry, Burning Bush, Crabapples, and Viburnums.
- Wrap tender tree trunks to avoid sun scald and deer rubs.
- Spray rhododendrons and ornamental evergreens with an anti-transpirant, such as “Wilt-Pruf.”
- Optional: Wrap ornamental evergreens to avoid deer damage.
- Pile mulch or compost on base of hydrangeas and Carol Mackie Daphnes once ground is frozen (usually mid-November) to protect roots from freeze-thaw cycles. Chrysanthemums have a greater chance of survival if mulched at this same time, with mulch or soil.
- If spring is dry, water once ground thaws. Fertilize plants when leaves begin to emerge.
- Spring blooming shrubs, such as forsythia, lilacs, azaleas, and rhododendrons should be pruned after blooming. Other trees and shrubs can be pruned in early spring while still dormant, although it is best to prune maples in early summer after the sap-flowing. Please call with any specific pruning questions.
- Perennials can be trimmed back after they have turned brown, or left over winter. Many perennials give good winter interest and the dead foliage can help hold snow around the base of the plant. Some perennials that remain green going into winter, such as bergenia and coralbells should not be cut back in fall; instead, any brown foliage can be cut back in spring. Any diseased foliage should be removed and discarded.
- Don’t forget to bring the pumps in from your water features.
- SPREAD THE WORD: If you refer three customers that have their landscapes installed through Landscape Solutions, Landscape Solutions will provide you with a tree!
- If you have any concerns or questions, please give us a call.